Suzuki Grand Vitara SQ416/SQ420/420WD

since 1998 release

Repair and operation of the car

Suzuki Grand Vitara
+ General information
+ Maintenance and lubricant
+ Heater, ventilation and conditioner
+ Steering
+ Suspension bracket
+ Wheels and tires
+ Forward driving shaft / bearing of a shaft. Oil epiploon
+ Driveshafts
- Brake system
   - Brakes
      General description
      + Diagnostics
      Diagnostic table
      - Check and adjustment
         Drain of air from brakes
         Check of free height of the brake lever
         Adjustment of the light switch of brakes
         Check it is superfluous the pedal course
         Check of a free wheeling of the brake lever
         Check of level of brake fluid
         Check of a brake hose and highway
         Check of the main cylinder
         Check of a brake disk
         Check of a brake shoe
         Check of a brake boot
         Check and adjustment of the parking brake
         Washing of hydraulic system of brakes
         Check of pressure of liquid (if the car is equipped with LSPV)
         Check of operation of the brake amplifier
      Specifications - torque of an inhaling
      Necessary materials for service
      Special tool
   + Brake highway / hose / main cylinder of a brake
   + Forward brakes
   + Parking and back brake
   + Anti-blocking brake system (ABS)
+ Engines
+ Fuel system
+ System of ignition
+ System of start
+ System of release
+ Transmissions
+ Coupling
+ Transfer
+ Forward and back differentials
+ Windows, mirrors, locks and security measures. Immobilizer
+ Electric equipment


Check of pressure of liquid (if the car is equipped with LSPV)

The procedure of check for assembly of LSPV is described below.


    Before conducting check, be convinced of the following:
      The fuel tank is completely filled with fuel. The vehicle is equipped with a spare tire, the tool, a jack and the handle of a jack.
    Set the vehicle on an equal floor and establish loading about 200 kg (441 pounds) (2) on a back part of the case so that the back shaft weighed 800 kg (1764 pounds). Weight of a back shaft of "L": 800 kg (1764 pounds). Install the special tool on a forward and back brake.

The special tool has to be connected with sapuny a forward brake (from the driver) and a back brake.

    Special tool of a forward brake:
      (A): 9956-02310 (B): 09952-46510 (the device for a car brake support with SUMITOMO ELECTRIC brake) (C): 55473-82030 (the spuskny stopper of the valve of drain of air (1) is delivered as the spare part)
    Back brake
      (A): 09956-02310 (B): 09952-36310 (the device for a stopper of the valve of drain of air with a diameter of carving of 7 mm) or 09952-46510 (the device for a stopper of the valve of drain of air with a diameter of carving of 8 mm) (C): 55473-82030 (the spuskny stopper of the valve of drain of air is delivered as the spare part)
    Instead of the device for diameter of a carving of 10 mm (3) to the special tool (A) the special tool (B) is used. Therefore remove adaptation from (A) and establish (B).
  • For the vehicle with TOKICO brake support, use adaptation which is switched on in the special tool (A).
  • For definition like a support of a brake address the Head Forward brakes.

    Gradually press the brake lever, liquid pressure in a forward brake will not become such, as shown below and then check the corresponding pressure of a back brake. It has to meet the specification below.

Pressure of a back brake with the enclosed load of 8000 kPa (80 kg/cm2, 1,138 psi) on a forward brake

Forward brake

Back brake

8,000 kPa 80 kg/cm2 of 1,138 psi

3-door or model with folding top

6,000 — 7,300 kPa

60 — 73 kg / cм2

853 — 1,038 psi


4,500 — 7,300 kPa

45 — 73 kg / cм2

640 — 1,038 psi

After that apply pressure of 100 kg/cm2 upon a forward brake and check that pressure of a back brake meets the specification below.

Forward brake

Back brake

10,000 kPa 100 kg / cм2 1,422 psi

3-door or model with folding top

6,500 — 8,000 kPa

65 — 80 kg/cm2

924 — 1,138 psi


5,000 — 8,000 kPa

50 — 80 kg/cm2

711 — 1,138 psi

    If pressure of a back brake does not meet the specification, adjust it having changed the provision of a rack (3) as follows.
      If pressure of a back brake above of stated, move a rack (3) in the direction of "a" and if below, then in the direction of "b". Repeat steps 3 - 5 until pressure of a back brake meets the specification. After adjustment, tighten a bolt with torque of an inhaling according to specified in the specification. Torque of an inhaling: bolt of a rack of LSPV (a): 23 N • m (2.3 kg-m, 17.0 pounds on foot).
    Disconnect the brake highway (2) (connecting the second contour of the main cylinder and 4-sided connection) from the main cylinder (1). Tighten a cap (the special tool) of the main cylinder. Press the brake lever. If pressure of a back brake of 95 - 100 kg/cm2 when pressure of a forward brake of 100 kg/cm2, it means that the forward failure-safe system works properly. Special tool: (A) — 09956-02210.

Forward brake

Back brake

10,000 kPa 100 kg/cm2 of 1,422 psi

9,500 — 10,000 kPa

95 — 100 kg/cm2

1,350 — 1,422 psi

    Upon completion of check of pressure of liquid, pit air from the brake system and execute check of brakes.