Suzuki Grand Vitara SQ416/SQ420/420WD

since 1998 release

Repair and operation of the car

Suzuki Grand Vitara
+ General information
+ Maintenance and lubricant
+ Heater, ventilation and conditioner
+ Steering
+ Suspension bracket
+ Wheels and tires
+ Forward driving shaft / bearing of a shaft. Oil epiploon
+ Driveshafts
- Brake system
   - Brakes
      General description
      + Diagnostics
      Diagnostic table
      - Check and adjustment
         Drain of air from brakes
         Check of free height of the brake lever
         Adjustment of the light switch of brakes
         Check it is superfluous the pedal course
         Check of a free wheeling of the brake lever
         Check of level of brake fluid
         Check of a brake hose and highway
         Check of the main cylinder
         Check of a brake disk
         Check of a brake shoe
         Check of a brake boot
         Check and adjustment of the parking brake
         Washing of hydraulic system of brakes
         Check of pressure of liquid (if the car is equipped with LSPV)
         Check of operation of the brake amplifier
      Specifications - torque of an inhaling
      Necessary materials for service
      Special tool
   + Brake highway / hose / main cylinder of a brake
   + Forward brakes
   + Parking and back brake
   + Anti-blocking brake system (ABS)
+ Engines
+ Fuel system
+ System of ignition
+ System of start
+ System of release
+ Transmissions
+ Coupling
+ Transfer
+ Forward and back differentials
+ Windows, mirrors, locks and security measures. Immobilizer
+ Electric equipment


Check and adjustment of the parking brake



    Undertake the center of the handle of the parking brake and pull it with effort of 20 kg (40 pounds) up.
    When the lever of the parking brake is pulled up count ratchet marks. There have to be 5 - 7 marks. Also check whether the right and left back wheels are reliably blocked. That it was easier to consider marks, listen to clicks of a ratchet at a raising of the lever of the parking brake, without pressing the button. One click corresponds to one mark. If the quantity of marks does not meet the specification, adjust a cable having addressed the procedure of the adjustment described below to receive the necessary course of the parking brake.

Check, are not damaged and whether heads of tooth of each mark are worn-out. If damages or wear are found, replace the lever of the parking brake.


Before adjustment of a cable be convinced that the following conditions are met:

  • In the brake system there is no air.
  • The course of the brake lever such as it is required.
  • The brake lever was pressed several times with effort about 30 kg (66 pounds).
  • The lever of the parking brake (1) was several times lifted with effort about 20 kg (44 pounds).


    If the cable of the parking brake is replaced with new, lift the lever of the parking brake several times with effort about 50 kg. Back brake blocks are not worn-out beyond the limit, and the mechanism of self-regulation works properly. To weaken a cable of the parking brake (2), release самоконтрящуюся a nut (3) until the end of a bolt. Then press the brake lever a little with effort about 30 kg (66 pounds). Having convinced that all conditions stated above are met, adjust the course of the lever of the parking brake, having released or having tightened a lock nut.

Check whether jams the brake drum after adjustment.

The course of the parking brake (when the lever is lifted with effort of 200 N • m (20 kg, 44 pounds) - 5 - 7 marks.