Suzuki Grand Vitara SQ416/SQ420/420WD

since 1998 release

Repair and operation of the car

Suzuki Grand Vitara
+ General information
+ Maintenance and lubricant
+ Heater, ventilation and conditioner
+ Steering
+ Suspension bracket
+ Wheels and tires
+ Forward driving shaft / bearing of a shaft. Oil epiploon
+ Driveshafts
+ Brake system
+ Engines
+ Fuel system
+ System of ignition
+ System of start
+ System of release
- Transmissions
   + Mechanical transmission (type 1)
   + Mechanical transmission (type 2)
   - Automatic transmission (4 A/T)
      + General description
      + Diagnostics of the automatic transmission
      + Precautionary measures at diagnostics of malfunctions
      + Visual survey
      + Service out of a workshop
      - System of blocking of brakes
         Solenoidal blocking of switching
         Procedure of solenoidal blocking of switching
         Manual unblocking of solenoidal blocking of switching
      + Check of system
+ Coupling
+ Transfer
+ Forward and back differentials
+ Windows, mirrors, locks and security measures. Immobilizer
+ Electric equipment


Manual unblocking of solenoidal blocking of switching

Blocking of switching can be unblocked manually as follows:


    Having turned off a bolt, uncover an access opening. Turn the ignition key in situation "ACC" and the screw-driver or something similar move draft of the solenoid of blocking of switching (or a plate of a manual unblocking) towards a back part of the car. In this state the lever of the choice of transfer can be switched to any situation.
1 — a cover
2 — a bolt
3 — the transfer choice lever
4 — the button