Suzuki Grand Vitara SQ416/SQ420/420WD

since 1998 release

Repair and operation of the car

Suzuki Grand Vitara
+ General information
+ Maintenance and lubricant
+ Heater, ventilation and conditioner
+ Steering
+ Suspension bracket
+ Wheels and tires
+ Forward driving shaft / bearing of a shaft. Oil epiploon
+ Driveshafts
- Brake system
   + Brakes
   + Brake highway / hose / main cylinder of a brake
   + Forward brakes
   + Parking and back brake
   - Anti-blocking brake system (ABS)
      - General description
         Way of a brake hose / highway
         Scheme of system
         Arrangement of the ABS components
         - Hydraulic Block / Assembly of the module of management of ABS
            Self-diagnostics function
            Fault tolerance function
      + Diagnostics
+ Engines
+ Fuel system
+ System of ignition
+ System of start
+ System of release
+ Transmissions
+ Coupling
+ Transfer
+ Forward and back differentials
+ Windows, mirrors, locks and security measures. Immobilizer
+ Electric equipment


Hydraulic Block / Assembly of the module of management of ABS

The module of management of ABS - a component assembly of the hydraulic block / module of management of ABS also has the following functions.

Self-diagnostics function

The module of management of ABS constantly diagnoses a condition of components of system (is or not deviations) and displays results (the warning of the arisen deviation and KDN) by means of an alarm lamp of "ABS" as it is described below.

    When the ignition switch is switched on, the alarm lamp of "ABS" lights up for 2 seconds for check of a chain of an alarm lamp. If deviations are not revealed (system in good shape), the alarm lamp of "ABS" is disconnected in 2 seconds. When the vehicle begins the movement after inclusion of ignition (signals from sensors more than one wheel arrive), solenoidal valves and the engine of the ABS hydraulic block work one by one for check electricians. At this check it is possible to hear a sound of the working engine, but it does not mean malfunction. If in system malfunction is found, the alarm lamp of "ABS" lights up and information on area of malfunction is saved in memory of ESPPZU in the module of management of ABS.

When a conclusion of the diagnostic switch "PNK" (3) of the black socket of diagnostics (1) or the blue socket of diagnostics (5) (the monitor socket) (i.e. it is connected to a conclusion of "BLK" (2) by means of an office wire (4)) is grounded, the zone of malfunction is displayed in the form of KDN. Malfunction is displayed by a blinking of an alarm lamp of "ABS" (address the table below).

Condition of system

Alarm lamp of ABS

Conclusion диагн. the switch it is not grounded

Conclusion диагн. the switch it is grounded

Good shape

In the past there were no problems


KDN 12

In the past there were problems


History KDN


In the past there were no problems


Current KDN

In the past there were problems


Current and history KDN

Model with open top.

Besides model with open top.

For dumping of all KDN, address the Section Check of the Codes of Diagnostics of Malfunctions (CDM) in this Chapter.

Also the module of management of ABS includes an alarm lamp of EBD (an alarm lamp of a brake) depending on the problem determined by the module of management, and then the alarm lamp does not display KDN as well as an alarm lamp of "ABS".