And – the discharged accumulator In – токоподающий the accumulator
The engine of the car with токоподающим the accumulator should work.
Auxiliary cables should join necessarily in specified below sequence:
1 – one end of a cable (+) (as a rule red) joins auxiliary tap or a conclusion (+) the discharged accumulator
2 – other end of a red cable incorporates with polar (+) a conclusion токоподающей batteries
3 – one end of a cable (-) (as a rule black) incorporates to a polar conclusion (-) токоподающего the accumulator
4 – other end of a black cable (-) incorporates to a weight point on a dome of an amortisation rack or with a bolt screwed in a forward part of the block of cylinders
If the eye-bolt is covered by a varnish the cable (-) incorporates directly to the block of the engine or with any metal detail screwed on it.