On cars with a right-hand steering the tank for a brake liquid is from an opposite side подкапотного spaces.
The control of level of a liquid Liquid level always should be between marks "max" and "min". Insignificant decrease in level of a liquid in process of car run speaks deterioration and automatic adjustment of brake overlays. This normal phenomenon.
At considerable decrease in level of a liquid for a short time interval or its falling below a label "min" depressurization of brake system is not excluded. About too low level of a brake liquid in a tank inclusion of a control lamp of brake system signals. Necessarily urgent reference on enterprise Audi for system check.
Replacement of a brake liquid
Brake liquid гигроскопична. Therefore eventually it absorbs a moisture from air and accumulates in itself water. The raised maintenance of water considerably lowers a boiling point and under certain conditions can worsen brake effect. Therefore replace a brake liquid each two years!