Audi 100/A6

1990-1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Audi 100/A6
+ 1. The maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance service
- 3. Engines
   - Technical characteristics Sinhronizatsionnye labels timing Compression check A gazoraspredelitelnyj belt Натяжитель газораспределительного a belt, an asterisk Additional приводные belts A camshaft cover A camshaft epiploon An epiploon of an intermediate shaft Epiploons of a cranked shaft A head of cylinders Hydraulic pushers A flywheel Engine fastenings The oil pallet The oil pump and маслозаборный a branch pipe
   + 3.1.2. 5-cylinder engines
   + 3.1.3. 6-cylinder engines
+ 3.2. Diesel engines
+ 3.3. Removal and a partition of engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Heating and ventilation
+ 6. Fuel system
+ 7. An exhaust system
+ 8. Systems of start, ignition
+ 9. Transmission
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. Suspension brackets, a steering
+ 12. A body
+ 13. An electric equipment
+ 14. A good advice

9df16362 A gazoraspredelitelnyj belt

Gazoraspredelitelnyj belt (AAE, ACE, ABK, AAD)

1. The top cover of a belt
2. A nut
3. Заглушка
4. A gazoraspredelitelnyj belt
5. Натяжитель
6. A nut
7. A back cover of a belt
8. A pin
9. A bolt
10. A privodnoj belt
11. A pulley
12. A bolt
13. The bottom cover газораспределительного a belt
14. An asterisk of a cranked shaft
15. A bolt
16. An asterisk of an intermediate shaft
17. A bolt


1. Disconnect a wire of the minus plug of the accumulator.
2. Lift and fix a forward part of the car.
3. Remove a radiator and belts of the generator, the pump of the hydraulic booster of a wheel and the conditioner compressor.
4. Remove the bottom guard of the engine and its top cover.
5. If necessary the generator, the pump of the hydraulic booster and the compressor can be removed, without disconnecting from them hoses. Remove натяжитель drive a belt.
6. Remove a pulley of the water pump.
7. Braid a nut and get a bolt, крепящий the bottom cover of a belt to the water pump.
8. Disconnect the top cover of a belt.
9. Note adjusting position of a pulley and an asterisk of a cranked shaft and remove a pulley.
10. Remove the bottom cover of a belt.
11. Turn a cranked shaft clockwise and combine a label of an asterisk of a camshaft with the top part of a head of cylinders. In engines of other type (not ADR) combine a label on a pulley of a cranked shaft with a label on an asterisk of an intermediate shaft
12. In engines ADR turn a pulley натяжителя counter-clockwise and insert the probe into an aperture located in the top part натяжителя.
13. In engines AAE, ABK, AAD ослабьте a bolt also turn a nave натяжителя clockwise to weaken pressure upon a belt.
14. In engines to ASYA insert two probes into nave apertures to fix it and unscrew a nut to weaken a belt tension.
15. Remove газораспределительный a belt.


Examine a belt on presence of pollution by greasing or oil, and also on presence of deterioration or damages. If necessary replace a belt.


1. Combine синхронизационные labels.
2. Put on a belt.
3. In engines ARD turn a pulley натяжителя counter-clockwise and get the probe that the pulley has pulled a belt.
4. In engines AAE, ABK, AAD turn натяжитель counter-clockwise to pull a belt.

The prevention

The belt should be overwound no more, than on 90 .

5. Tighten a nut натяжителя.
6. In engines ACE turn a nave counter-clockwise to pull a belt, and then turn a nave clockwise to combine indexes on a nave. Tighten a nut till the demanded moment of an inhaling.
7. Turn a cranked shaft on two turns clockwise and combine синхронизационные labels.
8. Establish the bottom cover of a belt.
9. Establish the shock-absorber and tighten bolts.
10. Establish the remained details and lower the car.