Audi 100/A6

1990-1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Audi 100/A6
+ 1. The maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance service
+ 3. Engines
+ 3.2. Diesel engines
+ 3.3. Removal and a partition of engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Heating and ventilation
+ 6. Fuel system
+ 7. An exhaust system
+ 8. Systems of start, ignition
+ 9. Transmission
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. Suspension brackets, a steering
- 12. A body
   12.2. Maintenance service and repair
   12.3. A forward bumper
   12.4. A back bumper
   12.5. A cowl
   + 12.6. A rope of opening of a cowl
   12.7. The cowl lock
   12.8. Doors
   12.9. The internal panel of furnish of a door
   12.10. A frame of a window of a door
   12.11. The handle of a door and lock elements
   12.12. Glass and window lifter
   12.13. A luggage carrier cover
   12.14. Elements of the lock of a cover of a luggage carrier
   12.15. A back door
   12.16. Elements of the lock of a back door
   12.17. Elements of the central lock
   + 12.18. Elements electric Glass lifts
   12.19. Rear-view mirrors and the elements connected with them
   12.20. Front and back glass
   12.21. The top hatch
   12.22. External elements of furnish of a body
   12.23. Sitting
   12.24. The mechanism of a tension of forward seat belts
   12.25. Elements of seat belts
   12.26. Panels of furnish of salon
   12.27. The central console
   12.28. The panel of devices
+ 13. An electric equipment
+ 14. A good advice


12.9. The internal panel of furnish of a door


1. Release a fixing clip and remove the furnish panel.
2. Turn off fixing bolts (arrows) and remove the handle.
3. Remove the handle window lifterа if it is necessary.


1. Remove the switch window lifterа and the handle of adjustment of a rear-view mirror or the adjustment panel. On models with electric adjustment of rear-view mirrors remove the furnish panel in front of the handle.
2. Remove the handle from a door and disconnect a connection socket.
3. Release a fixing clip and remove the handle.
4. Turn off fixing screws along the edges of the panel of furnish and in an aperture of the handle of a door.
5. Lift the furnish panel upwards to release fastenings and remove the panel, disconnect a socket of connection dynamics.


1. Remove the handle from a door and remove the switch window lifterа.
2. Remove a fixing clip (arrow) and remove the handle.
3. Turn off fixing screws and remove the furnish panel.


1. Installation is spent upside-down removals.
2. At installation check up, that rubber fastenings (arrow) have been correctly established.
3. Check up correctness of a lining of wires.